We play according to the rules of the International Table Soccer Federation.
Start a match
The winner of a coin flip may choose for the serve or side of the table. A match consists of one set or best-of-three sets (first to 2 sets win). The player/team who first scores 5 goals wins a set.
Put the ball at the middle figure of the 5-rod. Ask your opponent if ready. When opponent replies ready, pass the ball via a second figure. Within a match, a team has serve if they conceded the previous goal.
After every re-start, the ball must touch at least two player figures prior to advancing to another rod.
A goal can be scored from any figure. A ball that goes in and out of the goal counts as a goal.
Not allowed are spinning, slamming the side wall with the rods, hands in the table whilst ball is in play, lifting the table. In case of a foul, the opponent serves again with the 5-rod.
Dead ball
A ball is dead if it is stationary and not reachable. A dead ball behind the 5-rod is put to the nearest goalie rod. A dead ball between the 5-rods is served by the serving team.
Ball off table
When a player makes the ball go off the table due to the power of the shot, it is given back to the opponent at the 2-rod.
Time limit
The ball is allowed to be under the 5-rod for 10 seconds and other rods (goalie & 2-rod count as one rod) for 15 seconds. Exceeding the time limit on the 3-rod goes to opponent’s 2-rod, anywhere else goes to opponent’s.
Two 30-second timeouts are allowed per set. Only the player in possession of the ball may call a time out while the ball is in play. When not in play, both players/team can call a timeout.
After each set the players/teams may change sides.